Ginzburg Conference on Physics
May 28 - June 2, 2012, Moscow
We are pleased to inform you that the preliminary schedule of the
scientific program is available now at the conference site - Time Table.
Also we ask you to check the title of your talk at Talks .
If you have not done it before please provide us with Title and Abstract
of your talk urgently
We strongly recommend to use PDF (.pdf) for presentation as the most
universal format. Almost all software allows export to PDF. If you do have
some special features in your presentation which cannot be converted to PDF
the best solution is to use your own equipment (notebook; in case of
MacBook don't forget the VGA adapter!). For example we cannot guarantee
proper look of Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation as there are
inconsistencies between versions and "lack of font" problems.
We also strongly recommend to upload your presentation file into your
Personal conference account (in the Talk information block). This allows to
exclude any unexpected problem “just before session”.
If you have ANIMATION/MOVIES in your presentation please write a comment
after uploading (for example "slides 2 and 5 have animation") as in this
case we need to check if we have corresponding video-codec installed.
If you are going to use transparencies (which is not recommended) please
inform us in advance
Registration desks will be open:
in the hotel Korston
May 26 14:00 to 18:00
May 27 12:00 to 20:00,
in the Lebedev Institute (near Main Conference Hall)
May 28 8:45 to 9:15
In case of late arrival, you can register during the coffee-breaks at the
Organizing Committee desk at the Lebedev Institute
The transfer from the airport to the hotel will be arranged by the
Organizing Committee. We hope that we already have information about your
arrival and departure flights. If not yet please do not forget to fill the
corresponding field in your Personal account as soon as possible.
If for any reason you do not need a transfer from the airport please
inform us in advance.
After the customs control at the airport, please carefully look for our
affiliated driver (who will also be looking for you). They will be those,
and only those people, carrying posters with GC2012 logo. They also will
have a list of participants. (Do not contact with private drivers who will
also offer their service.)
In case of unexpected delays after landing or long problems with detecting
a driver call the mobile number +7 909 670 7008 (Kristina, Triumff
Service company).
Please use this phone only if you are delaying for more then an hour after
landing and if you can not find a driver (and he can not find you) for more
then 10-15 minutes.
In case of emergency you can contact Organizing Committee +7 905 539 6289 (valid from May 26 till May 31).
SAVE these PHONE NUMBERS in your mobile phone or have them PRINTED during
Also to make us able to contact you in the case of any unexpected changes
and to simplify identifying you when you contact us by emergency phone
please COMMUNICATE us YOUR TRAVEL PHONE MOBILE number. You can do it via
your personal account [UpdateContactInfo] or by mail. If you have already
entered another phone (office one, etc) you can enter another one -- we
will use the last one when contacting you in Moscow
Please note that if it happens that you enter Russia with a tourist visa
you should mention TOURISM as the purpose of your visit when asked at the
checkpoint in the airport (the same advise is applicable for those from
countries which have a visa-free regime with Russia.) Also don't forget to
keep with you a printed copy of "tourist invitation" to be shown at the
checkpoint if needed
Hotel Korston address:
Russia, Moscow, Kosygina street, 15.
Hotel Gallery address:
Russia, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya street, 4.
The map with environs will be available at the conference site:
LUNCH (midday meal):
During the Conference, lunch will be served in the restaurant of the hotel
Korston, which is a 15-20 minute walk from the Lebedev Institute. Every
day at the lunch time the transportation will be organizined to and from
the Korston hotel
Most currency exchange offices in Moscow accept only USD and EURO;
whenever other currencies are accepted, the exchange rate to be
Please check the weather forecast before your departure
The Welcome Party will be on Monday, May 28 (at Coffee-break Hall at
Lebedev Institute)
and the Banquet on Thursday, May 31 (the place will be
announced upon registration).
We are planning to organize an excursion (free of charge) and a concert
for all participants and accompanying persons:
30.05, Wednesday (after lunch)
Bus tour of Moscow historic places
(departure from the hotel "Korston");
30.05, Wednesday 19.00
Concert (classical music) (Lebedev Institute)
Additional details will be announced upon registration
While registration time at Korston (May 26, 27) we expect that there will
be a representative from Triumff Service company who will assist with
arranging your excursion program
Looking forward to seeing you in Moscow,
Sincerely Yours,
GC2012 Organizing Committee