press release
curriculum vitae
books (in english)
(books and many reviews are not included, complete list
of scientific publications contain nearly 400 papers)
- On quautum electrodynamics. C.r.Acad.Sci.USSR, v.23, 774, 896, 1939;
v.24, 131, 1939
- On quantum theory of radiation of an electron uniformly moving
in a medium. Journ.Phys.USSR, v.2, 441, 1940
- On the electrodynamics of anisotropic medium. Journ.Phys.USSR,
v.3, 95, 101, 1940
- On the broadening of Rayligh scattering lines depending upon
pressure. C.r.Acad.Sci.USSR, v.30, 399, 1941
- Zur Theorie des Spines elementarer Teilchen. C.r.Acad.Sci.USSR,
v.31, 319, 1941
- On the paramagnetic effects influencing the radio wave propagation
in the ionosphere. C.r.Acad.Sci.USSR, v.35, 270, 1942
- On the dispersium of high frequency acoustic waves in liquids.
C.r.Acad.Sci.USSR, vol.36, 8, 1942
- On the reflection of an electromagnetic impulse from the
Heaviside layer. Journ.Phys.USSR, v.6, 167, 1942
- On the pseudoscalar theory at meson. Journ.Phys.USSR, v.6, 180, 1942
- The relativistic theory of excited spin states of the proton
and neutron. Phys.Rev., v.63, 1, 1943
- On the theory of the particle of spin 3/2. Journ.Phys.USSR, v.7, 115, 1943
- On the theory of excited spine states of elementary particles.
Journ.Phys.USSR, v.8, 33, 1944
- On the influence of the terrestrial magnetic field on the
reflection of radio waves from the ionosphere.
Journ Phys.USSR, v.7, 289, 1943
- On the thermoelectric phenomena in superconductors.
Journ.Phys.USSR, v.8, 148, 1944
- On the surface energy and the behavior of superconductors of
small dimensions. Journ.Phys.USSR, v.9, 305, 1945
- Radiation of a uniformly moving electron due to its transition
from one medium into another ( in collaboration with I.Frank).
Journ.Phys.USSR, v.9, 353, 1945
- On solar radiation in the radio-spectrum.
C.r.Acad.Sci. USSR, v.52, 487, 1946
- On the dielectric properties of ferroelectric ( segnetoelectric
crystals and barium titanate) . Journ. Phys. USSR, v.10, 107, 1946
- Radiation from an electron moving near a dielectric.
C.r.Acad.Sci.USSR, v.56, 145, 253, 1947
- On Doppler effect at superluminal velocity (in collaboration
with I.Frank). Doklady Acad. Nauk USSR, v.56, 583, 1947
- On polarization and piezoeffect in barium titanate.
JETP, v.19, 36, 1949 (JETP-Journ.Experim.Theor.Phys.-English
- On the theory of superconductivity (in collaboration
with L.D.Landau)-JETP, v.20, 1064, 1950
- Der gegenwartige Stand der Theorie der Superleitung.
Forsch.d.Phys., v.1, 101, 1953; Nuovo Cimento, v.2, 1234, 1955
- Der Ursprung der Kosmischen Strahlung und die Radioastronomie.
Forsh.d. Phys., v.1, 659, 1954; Nuovo Cimento, Suppl.X, v.3,
38, 1956
- Einige Probleme aus der Theorie der elekrischen Schwankungser-
scheinungen. Fortsch.d.Phys., v.1, 51, 1953
- Experimentelle Prufung der allgemeinen Relativitatheorie.
Forsch.d.Phys., v.5, 16, 1957
- On the theory of superfluidity (in collaboration with
L.Pitaevskii). JETP, v.34, 1240, 1958
- On electromagnetic waves in isotropic and crystalline media with
account of spatial dispersion of dielectric permeability.
JETP, v.34, 1503, 1958
- On relativistic wave equations with mass spectrum.
Acta Physica Polonica, v.15, 163, 1956
- Origin of comic rays (in collaboration with S.Syrovatsky).
Progress Theor.Phys. Suppl. N 20, 1, 1961
- Nichtlineare Erscheinungen in der Plasma, das sich in einem
veranderlichen electromagnetischen Feld befindet
(in collaboration with A.Gurevich). Forschr.d.Phys., v.8, 97, 1960
- Quantization of the magnetic flux for a superconducting
cylinder. JETP, v.42, 299, 1962
- The radiation of electromagnetic waves and the instability
of electrons moving at superlight velocity in a medium
(in collaboration with V.Eidman and V.Zheleznyakov).
Phil.Mag., v.7, 451, 1962
- Gamma rays and magnetic bremsstrahlung X-rays of galactic
and metagalactic origin (in collaboration with S.Syrovatsky).
JETP, v.45, 353, 1963
- Temperature dependence of the shape of domain wall in
ferromagnetics and ferroelectrics (in collaboration with
L.Bulaevsky). JETP, v.45, 772, 1963
- Kristalloptik mit raumlicher Dispersion und Exitonentheory.
Fortsch.d.Phys., v.11, 163, 1963
- On gravitational collapse of magnetic stars (in collaboration
with L,Ozernoy). JETP, v.47, 1030, 1964
- On superfluidity of neutron stars ( in collaboration with
D.Kirzhnits). JETP, v.47, 2006, 1964
- On surfase superconductivity. Phys. Lett., v.13, 101, 1964
- Some problems of gamma and X-ray astronomy (in collaboration
with S.Syrovatsky). Spase Sci.Rev., v.4, 267, 1965
- Relativistic oscillator models of elementary particles
(in collaboration with V.Manko).
Nucl.Phys., v.74, 577, 1965
- The problem of high-temperature superconductivity.
Contemp.Phys., v.9, 355, 1968
- Superfluidity and superconductivity in the Universe.
UFN, v.97, 601, 1969; Journ.Statist.Phys., v.1, 3, 1969 ;
Physica, v.55, 207, 1971
(UFN - Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, English transl.- Sov.Phys.-Uspekhi)
- Developments in the theory of synchrotron radiation and its
reabsorption (in collaboration with S.Syrovatsky).
Ann.Rev.Astron.Astrophys., v.7, 375, 1969
- On the role of quantum fluctuations of a gravitational field
in general relativity and cosmology (in collaboration with
D.Kirzhnits and A.Lyubushin). JETP, v.60, 451, 1971
- Gamma radiation of Magellanic Clouds and metagalactic origin of
cosmic rays. Nature Phys. Sci., v.239, 8, 1972
- The problem of high-temperature superconductivity.
Ann. Rev.Mater.Sci., v.2, 663, 1972
- On the role of plasma effects in the cosmic ray propagation
and isotropization in the galaxy (in collaboration with V.Ptuskin
and V.Tsytovich).
Astrophys. and Space Sci., v.21, 13, 1973
- On the pulsar emission mechanisms (in collaboration with
V.Zheleznyakov). Ann.Rev.Astron.Astrophys., v.13, 511, 1975
- Several problems of the theory of transition radiation and
transition scattering (in collaboration with V.Tsytovich).
Phys.Rep., v.49, 1, 1979
- Light scattering near phase transition points in solids
(in collaboration with A.Levanyuk and A.Sobyanin).
Phys.Rep., v.57, 151, 1980
- On high-energy neutrino radiation of quasars and active
galactic nuclei (in collaboration with V.Berezinsky).
Mon.Not.RAS, v.194, 3, 1981
- On the theory of superfluidity near the lambda point
(in collaboration with A.Sobyanin)
Journ.Low Temp.Phys., v.49, 507, 1982
- Thermoelectric current in a superconducting circuit
(in collaboration with A.Sobyanin and G.Zharkov)
Journ. Low Temp. Phys.,v.56, 195, 1984
- On the circulation effect and quantum interference phenomena
in nonuniformly heated toroidal vessel with superfluid helium
(in collaboration with A.Sobyanin)
JETP, vol.85, 1606, 1983
- Some problems of the theory of Van der Waals forces
(in collaboration with Yu.Barash)
UFN, v.143, 345, 1984
(UFN - Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, English transl.- Sov.Phys.-Uspekhi)
- On the problem of superdiamagnetism (in collaboration with
A.Gorbazevich, Yu.Kopaev and B.Volkov)
Solid State Commun., v.50, 339, 1984
- Comments on the region of applicability of the Landau theory
for structural phase transition (in collaboration with
A.Levanyuk and A.Sobyanin).
Ferroelectrics, v.73, 171, 1987;
see also - Sov.Phys.- Solid State, v.2, 1824, 1960
- Some remarks of ferroelectrisity, soft modes and related problems
Ferroelectrics, v.76, 3, 1987
- Excitation and radiation of accelerated and anomalous Doppler
effect ( in collaboration with V.P.Frolov)
Phys.Letters, v.116, 423, 1986;
UFN, v.153, 633, 1987
(UFN - Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, English transl.- Sov.Phys.-Uspekhi)
- High-Temperature Superconductivity: some remarks.
Progress Low Temp.Phys., v.12, 1, 1989
- Cosmology of the super-early Universe and the "fundamental
length" (in collaboration with V.Frolov and V.Mukhanov).
JETP, v.94 , 1, 1988
- Macroscopic theory of superconductors with small coherence length
(in collaboration with L.Bulaevsky and A.Sobyanin)
JETP, v.94, 355, 1988;
Physica C , v.153-155, 1617, 1988
- Some problems of gamma- astronomy (in collaboration with V.Dogiel)
Space Sci.Rev., v.49, 311, 1989
- Thermoelectric effects in the superconducting state.
UFN, v.161, N 2, 1, 1991 (Sov.Phys.Uspekhi, v.34, 101, 1991)
- Theories of superconductivity (a few remarks)
Helv.Phys.Acta, v.65, 174, 1992
- High Temperature Superconductivity: its possible mechanism
Physica C, v.209, 1, 1993
- Origin of cosmic rays (after 40 years)
UFN, v.163, N7, 45, 1993
- Thermoelectric effect in hollow superconducting cylinders
(in collaboration with G.Zharkov)
Journ.Low Temp. Phys., v.92, 25, 1993;
Physics C, v.235-240, 3129, 1995
- Radiation by uniformly moving sources.
Progress in Optics (ed.E.Wolf), v.32, 267, 1993;
Physics-Uspekhi, v.39, 973, 1996
- Once again about the equivalence principle
(in collaboration with Yu.N.Eroshenko)
Physics-Uspechi, v.38, 195, 1995; ibid., v.39, 81, 1996
- Cosmic Ray Astrophysics. Physics-Uspekhi, v.39, 155, 1966
- Magnetic vortices and thermoelectric effect in a hollow
superconducting cylinder (in collaboration with R.M.Arutyunyan
and G.F.Zharkov). JETP, v.84, 1186, 1997
- Superconductivity and superfluidity. Physics-Uspekhi, v.40, 407, 1997