Andrei V. Marshakov
Doctor of Phys.&Math.Sciences, Leading Researcher
phone: (499)132-6785, E-mail:
Nonperturbative string theory and quantum field theory, two-dimensional conformal field theories, classical and quantum integrable systems

The main results:
include formulation of path integral representation for string theories with extended conformal symmetry, integrability of matrix models of two-dimensional gravity, bosonization of Wess-Zumino-Witten models and two-dimensional conformal field theories, formulation of Seiberg-Witten theory in terms of integrable systems.

At present the main branch of research are: non-pertubative string theory, duality in string theory and integrable systems, assosiativity equations in non-perturbative effective quantum theories and quasiclassical integrable hierarchies.

Last updated: September 28, 2001