String theory, higher spin massless fields dynamics in various
dimensions, light cone and twistor formulations of relativistic
Main results:
two loop beta-function in general nonlinear sigma model,
first-order with respect to string tension effective action
for massless excitations of closed bosonic strings,
Born Infeld action as a unique action for stringy deformed ten
dimensional super Yang-Mills theory, one loop equivalence of
effective action of open super string theory and ten dimensional super
Yang-Mills theory, cubic interaction vertices for all massless
representations of the Poincare algebra in arbitrary space-time dimension.
Kappa-invariant and light-cone gauge actions of type IIB superstring
in AdS(5) x S(5). Formulatiuon of light-cone form of relativistic
dynamics in AdS spacetime.
Current interests:
Exact light-cone gauge action for massless higher spin fields in AdS(4).
Quantized fields in AdS spacetime. Problem of quatization of type IIB supestring
in AdS(5) x S(5), Dp-branes.