PLENARY SESSION Chairperson: J.Schwarz
9.00 | P.van Nieuwenhuizen | (SUNY, Stony Brook) | Quantum corrections to the BPS bound |
9.40 | Wit | (Univ. of Utrecht) | BPS states, duality and membranes in M-theory |
10.20 | C.Hull | (Queen Mary and Westfield Coll., London) | Strongly coupled gravity and duality |
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee-Break |
PLENARY SESSION A Chairperson: C.Hull |
11.30 | M.Vasiliev | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Progress in higher spin gauge theories |
12.10 | Yu.Makeenko | (ITEP, Moscow) | Noncommutative QED and the "zero-charge" problem |
12.50 | N.Nekrassov | (Harvard Univ.) | Surprises with non-commutative gauge theories |
13.30 - 15.00 Lunch |
PLENARY SESSION B Chairperson: J.-P.Blaizot |
11.30 | A.Leonidov | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Evolution equation in QCD at high energies and densities |
12.00 | I.Dremin | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Wavelet analysis of nuclear interactions |
12.30 | A.Kaidalov | (ITEP, Moscow) | Glueballs and the Pomeron in QCD |
13.00 | V.Villanueva | (Univ. of Michoacan, Morelia) | Quantization without gauge fixing in a solvable model with Gribov ambiguities |
13.30 - 15.00 Lunch |
SESSION A Chairperson: A.Tseytlin |
15.00 | H.Braden | (Univ. of Edinburgh) | Integrability and instantons |
15.30 | A.Demichev | (Moscow Univ.) | Quantum field theory on noncommutative space-times: the relation between ultraviolet behavior, topology and symmetry |
16.00 | R.Gopakumar | (Harvard Univ.) | Aspects of non-commutative field theories |
16.20 | L.Chekhov | (Steklov Inst., Moscow) | Quantization of Teichmuller spaces of complex curves and noncommutative geometry |
16.40 | D.Berman | (Univ. of Groningen) | A non-commutative M-theory five brane |
17.00 - 17.30 Coffee-Break |
Session A Chairperson: A.Sagnotti |
17.30 | V.Zaikin | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Secondary fields in D > 3 conformal theories |
18.00 | V.Pershin | (Tomsk Univ.) | Interaction of higher spin massive fields with gravity in string theory |
18.20 | A.Segal | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Search for higher spin geometry |
18.40 -19.00 | V.Dolgushev | (Tomsk Univ.) | Noncommutative gauge theories on the curved symplectic manifolds |
SESSION B Chairperson: H.Neuberger |
15.00 | J.-P.Blaizot | (CEA/Saclay) | Hard thermal loops and the entropy of quark-gluon plasma |
15.30 | I.Andreev | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Soft photon emission as a sign of sharp transitions in QGP and hadronic plasma |
16.00 | I.Royzen | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Constituent quarks and non-traditional mechanism of phase transitions in QCD |
16.30 | D.Ostrovsky | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Particle production in ultrarelativistic hadron collisions |
17.00 - 17.30 Coffee-Break |
SESSION B Chairperson: I.Dremin |
17.30 | H.Neuberger | (Rutgers Univ.) | Regulated chiral gauge theories |
18.00 | V.Mitryushkin | (JINR, Dubna) | Nonperturbative contributions on the lattice: where they come from? |
18.30 -19.00 | M.Tsypin | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Critical point fluctuations of the order parameter in the finite size systems |