Session 1671, December 6, 2000
1. News
2. A.V.Vannikov
Electroconducting Polymers
3. V.M.Pudalov
Does There Exist a Two-Dimensional Crystall and
is it a Ferromagnetic?
Session 1670, November 29, 2000
1. News
2. Yu.M.Tsipenyuk
Experiments on Small-Angle Scattering of Neutrons
in Liquid Helium (1.5 - 4 K)
3. V.M.Agranovich
Charged Polaritons?
Session 1669, November 22, 2000
1. News
2. D.S.Chernavsky
On the Paper of R.B.Laughlin, L.Pines
"The Theory of Everything"
3. Yu.E.Lozovik
Elektron-Hole System in Connected Quantum Wells
and Controlling of Exciton Bose-Conensate
Session 1668, November 15, 2000
1. News
2. L.B.Okun
Photons, Clock, Gravitation and the Notion of Mass
Session 1667, November 8, 2000
1. News
2. V.G.Surdin
Big News on Small Bodies in the Solar System
3. L.A.Chernozatonsky
News from Nanotube World
Session 1666, November 1, 2000
1. News
2. V.A.Rubakov
Multi-Dimensional Theories with
Extra Dimensions of Large Volume
Session 1665, October 25, 2000
1. News
2. B.E.Meyerovich
Gravitational Properties of U(1) Cosmic Strings
3. O.M.Ivanenko, K.V.Mitsen
U-Centers, Percolation and Isolator-Metall
Transition in HTSC
Session 1664, October 18, 2000
1. News
2. Yu.S.Barash, M.S.Kalenkov, Yu.Kurkiyarvi
Penetration Depth of Magnetic Field in Superconductors
with d-Pairing at Low Temperatures
Session 1663, October 11, 2000
1. News
2. V.S.Filinov, M.Bonitz, V.E.Fortov
Physical Phenomena in Dense Hydrogen Plasma,
Monte-Carlo Method and Path Integrals
Session 1662, October 4, 2000
1. News
2. E.G.Maksimov
High Temperature Superconductivity
Problem: the Present State
Session 1661, September 27, 2000
1. News
2. G.F.Zharkov
First- and Second-Order Phase Transitions
in Superconductors of Finite Size
3. G.F.Zharkov
Metastable States and Paramagnetic Meissner
Effect in Superconductors of Finite Size
Session 1660, September 20, 2000
1. News
2. B.L.Ioffe
Quarks Distribution in Mesons in QCD
3. M.V.Sazhin
On Observational Searches of Non-baryon
Dark Objects in the Galaxy
4. K.P.Zybin
Kinetic Effects in the Expanding Universe
Session 1659, September 13, 2000
1. News
2. A.V.Byalko
Earth Surface Temperature Fluctuations
3. A.G.Lebed
On the Existence of Superconductivity in Magnetic Fields
Above Second Critical Field and Above Paramagnetic Clogston Limit
Session 1658, September 6, 2000
1. News and views
V.L.Ginzburg, S.M.Apenko, B.M.Bolotovsky, A.V.Gurevich,
V.S.Beskin, V.B.Braginsky etc.
Session 1657, June 28, 2000
1. News
2. V.N.Lukash
Cosmological Parameters from
Large Scale Structure Observations
Session 1656, June 21, 2000
1. News
2. V.G.Veselago
Electrodynamics of Matter with Simultaneously Negative Epsilon and Myu
3. Ya.N.Istomin
Subrelativistic Neutral Atoms in the Galaxy
Session 1655, June 14, 2000
1. News
2. B.V.Komberg
Active Galactic Nuclei as Massive Coaxis Pulsars
3. A.F.Barabanov
Spin Polaron in 2-D Antiferromagnetics
Session 1654, May 31, 2000
1. News
2. Yu.E.Lozovik
Compressible Quantum Liquids and Composit Fermions
Session 1653, May 10, 2000
1. News
2. A.V.Kirillin
Experimental Investigations of Carbon Phase Diagram
in the Vicinity of Critical Point
3. V.G.Kurt
Interplanetary-Interstellar Medium near the Sun
Session 1652, April 19, 2000
1. News
2. I.D.Novikov
Internal Structure of Black Holes
Session 1651, April 12, 2000
1. News
2. M.V.Feigelman
Superconducting Quantum Bits
3. A.A.Kaminsky
News on Laser Crystals and Their Applications
(Thermonuclear Synthesis, Telescopes etc.)
Session 1650, April 5, 2000
1. News
2. Ya.G.Ponomarev
Influence of Dopping on Superconducting
Gate in HTSC
3. V.V.Okorokov
Use of Coherent Excitation of Relativistic Nuclei
in Crystall for Fundamental Investigations in General and
Special Relativity
Session 1649, March 29, 2000
1. News
2. E.A.Kuznetsov
"Phase Transitions" for Solitones
3. A.V.Galaktionov
Higher Order Corrections in Transparency to
Charge Transfer in Superconducting Contacts
Session 1648, March 22, 2000
1. News
2. Yu.V.Kopaev
News on Superconductivity from the 6-th Conference M2 HTSC
3. A.S.Kingsep
Electron Magnetohydrodynamcs
Session 1647, March 15, 2000
1. News
2. L.I.Manevich, A.V.Savin
Nonlinear Dynamics of Polymer Crystals
3. V.E.Dmitrenko
Quasicrystals: Hystory and Modern Development
Session 1646, March 1, 2000
1. News
2. V.S.Ptuskin
On the Origin of Superhigh Energy Cosmic Rays
3. L.A.Chernozatonsky, N.R.Serebryanaya, B.N.Mavrin
Superhard Phases of Fullerites -
Experiment and Simulation of Structure and Properties
Session 1645, February 26, 2000
1. News
2. A.I.Nikishov
The Klein Paradox
3. M.B.Mensky
Quantum Mechanics: New Experiments, New Applications,
New Formulations of Old Questions
Session 1644, February 16, 2000
1. News
2. Yu.N.Ovchinnikov
Generalized Ginzburg-Landau Equation and
Heigh Temperature Superconductor Properties at
kappa Approaching Unity
3. A.N.Starostin
On Wings and Tails Role in Photons and Particles Kinetics
Session 1643, February 9, 2000
1. News
2. V.I.Pustovoit
On Collinear Difraction of Light at Sound
in Crystals
3. D.G.Sannikov
An Interaction of Optical and Acustical Spectrum Branches
in Crystal at Nonproportional Phase Transition
Session 1642, February 2, 2000
1. News
2. E.V.Mikheeva, V.N.Lukash, N.A.Arkhipova, A.Malinovsky
Contemporary Status of Cosmological Models
with Mixed Dark Matter
Session 1641, January 26, 2000
1. News
2. V.I.Beliavsky, Yu.V.Kopaev, V.V.Kapaev
Coulomb Mechanism of Pairing of
Equally Charged Particles with
Negative Effective Mass
3. L.A.Falkovsky
Micro-Raman Effect in Practice and in Theory:
Localized States Near the Border of Optical Photons
Continuous Spectrum
Session 1640, January 19, 2000
1. News
2. A.M.Friedman
Giant Cyclons in Gas Disks of Spiral Galaxies
Session 1639, January 12, 2000
1. News
2. V.M.Lobashov
Neutrino Mass and Tritium Beta-Spectrum Anomalies
(Does There Exist a Dense Cloud of Degenerate Neutrinos
in Solar System?)