OPENING (Main Conference Hall) Chairperson: L.Keldysh
8.45 - 9.30 Registration
9.30 - 10.00 Opening
PLENARY SESSION (Main Conference Hall) Chairperson: L.Keldysh |
10.00 | A.Gurevich | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Large-scale structure of the Universe. Analytical theory and numerical simulation |
11.00-11.30 Coffee-Break |
Session ASTROPHYSICS: Dark matter Chairperson: V.Dogiel |
11.30 | A.Fridman | (Inst. of Astronomy, Moscow) | Experimental and observational detection of over-reflection instability on the rotating shallow water and in astrophysical disks |
12.10 | I.Novikov | (Niels Bohr Inst., Kopenhagen & Astro Space Center, Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | The internal structure of black hole |
12.50 | A.Zasov | (Sternberg Astronomical Inst., Moscow) | Dark mass in disky galaxies: a problem of estimation |
13.30-15.00 Lunch |
Session Astrophysics: Dark matter Chairperson: V.Beskin |
15.00 | E.Vasiliev | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Dark matter absorption by a supermassive black hole at the Galactic center: role of boundary conditions |
15.30 | V.Dokuchaev | (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) | Phantom energy accretion onto black hole |
16.00 | O.Tsupko | (Space Research Inst., Moscow) | Approximate dynamics of dark matter ellipsoid in large-scale structure formation of the Universe |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |
11.30 | C.Hull | (Imperial College, London) | Non geometric string backgrounds |
12.00 | K.Stelle | (Imperial College, London) | Stability of Horava-Witten spacetimes |
12.30 | I.Arefeva | (Steklov Inst., Moscow) | D-brane decay in superstring field theory and models of cosmological dark energy |
13.00 | B.Pioline | (LPTHE, Univ. of Paris) | Exact degeneracies of small black holes and the topological string amplitude |
13.30 - 15.00 Lunch |
Session Superstrings and Higher Spin Gauge Theory Chairperson: R.Mkrtchyan |
15.00 | A.Belavin | (Landau Inst., Moscow) | Minimal Liouville gravity |
15.30 | P.West | (King's College London) | Symmetries of M theory |
16.00 | F.Englert | (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles) | Extended gravity and M-theories |
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session QUANTUM FIELD THEORY Chairperson: V.Fainberg |
13.30-15.00 Lunch |
15.00 | D.Nesterov | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Late-time asymptotics of the heat kernel and new nonlocal effective action |
15.30 | K.Ohashi | (Tokyo Inst. of Technology) | Solitons in the Higgs phase and their moduli spaces |
16.00 | K.Konishi | (Univ. of Pisa) | Nonabelian monopoles via monopole-vortex systems |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |
11.30 | V.Kravtsov | (ICTP, Trieste) | Role of interaction on dynamic localization in a quantum dot |
12.00 | A.Zaikin | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow & Forschungszentrum, Karlsruhe) | Electron transport, fluctuations and electron-electron interactions in mesoscopic conductors |
12.30 | M.Menskii | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Dissipation of quantum systems in a model-independent approach |
13.00 | Ivanov A. | (Cardiff Univ.) | Bipolariton eigenstates for a coherent excitonic molecule |
13.30 - 15.00 Lunch |
Session Strongly Correlated Electrons, Quantum Liquids and Quantum Coherence Chairperson: V.Kravtsov |
15.00 | Y.Avishai | (Ben-Gurion Univ.) | Keldysh treatment of a spin-boson Hamiltonian at large S |
15.40 | A.Finkelstein | (Weizmann Inst., Rehovot) | Spintronics without magnets: spin-optics |
16.10 | K.Kikoin | (Ben-Gurion Univ.) | Dynamical symmetries in nanophysics |
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session QUANTUM GRAVITY AND COSMOLOGY Chairperson: R.Woodard |
11.30 | A.Starobinsky | (Landau Inst., Moscow) | Primordial inhomogeneities in the Universe: the present status |
12.00 | G.Venturi | (Bologna Univ. & INFN, Bologna) | Improved WKB analysis of cosmological perturbations |
12.30 | A.Kamenshchik | (Univ. of Insubria, Como & Landau Inst., Moscow) | Tachyons, scalar fields, and cosmology |
13.00 | M.Katanaev | (Steklov Inst., Moscow) | Two-dimensional gravity: integrability and global solutions |
13.30-15.00 Lunch |
Session Quantum Gravity and Cosmology Chairperson: V.Berezin |
15.00 | Frolov V. | (Univ. of Alberta) | Black holes in a spacetime with large extra dimensions |
15.30 | D.Fursaev | (JINR, Dubna) | Gravitational field of a spinning radiation beam pulse in higher dimensions |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |
17.00 - Historical Session |
18.30 - Welcome Party |