PLENARY SESSION (Main Conference Hall) Chairperson: V.Ritus |
9.40 | M.Vysotsky | (ITEP, Moscow) | Electroweak interactions |
10.20 | V.Mukhanov | (Univ. of Muenchen) | How robust are the predictions of inflation? |
11.00-11.30 Coffee-Break |
Session ASTROPHYSICS: Electrodynamics of Compact Objects Chairperson: V.Dokuchaev |
11.30 | L.Zelenyi | (Space Research Inst., Moscow) | Plasma processes in laminar and turbulent current sheets |
12.10 | J.Truemper | (Max Planck Inst. for Extraterrestrial Phys., Garching) | The equation of state at supernuclear densities - results of recent astronomical observations |
12.50 | Yu.Gnedin | (Pulkovo Observatory, St.Petersburg) | Magnetic fields of supermassive black holes: current status of the observations of quasars and active galactic nuclei |
13.30-15.00 Lunch |
Session Astrophysics: Electrodynamics of Compact Objects Chairperson: Yu.Shibanov |
15.00 | B.Somov | (Sternberg Astronomical Inst., Moscow) | Magnetic reconnection of solar flares: current state of the theory of S.I.Syrovatskii |
15.30 | S.Bogovalov | (Moscow Engin.Phys.Inst.) | Nature of the torus and jet-like features in the central parts of plerions |
16.00 | V.Beskin | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Effective particle acceleration in the parabolic magnetic field |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session Astrophysics: Electrodynamics of Compact Objects Chairperson: E.Churazov |
17.00 | D.Yakovlev | (Ioffe Inst., St.Petersburg) | Nonequilibrium weak-interaction processes in neutron stars |
17.30 | Yu.Shibanov | (Ioffe Inst., St.Petersburg) | Optical observations of radio pulsars |
18.00 | A.Timokhin | (Sternberg Astronomical Inst., Moscow) | Could we see oscillations of the neutron star after the glitch in pulsar? |
Session QUANTUM FIELD THEORY Chairperson: A.Shabad |
11.30 | A.Tureanu | (Helsinki Univ. & Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) | Noncommutative quantum field theories: new space-time symmetry and exact results |
12.00 | M.Olshanetsky | (ITEP, Moscow) | Sklyanin algebra from topological field theory |
12.30 | P.Lavrov | (Tomsk Pedag.Univ.) | Fedosov supermanifolds |
13.00 | B.Zupnik | (JINR, Dubna) | Nonanticommutative deformations of hypermultiplets |
13.30-15.00 Lunch |
15.00 | V.Rychkov | (Univ. of Amsterdam) | Free fermion droplets and the half-BPS sector of AdS/CFT |
15.30 | O.Andreev | (Humboldt-Univ., Berlin & Landau Inst., Moscow) | Regge behavior in gauge/string duality |
16.00 | T.Matsuo | (Inst. of Phys. and Chem. Research, Wako, Saitama) | String interpretation for finite N Yang-Mills theory in two-dimensions |
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session Superstrings and Higher Spin Gauge Theory Chairperson: V.Dobrev |
17.00 | A.Sorin | (JINR, Dubna) | Hamiltonian structures of fermionic two-dimensional Toda lattice hierarchies |
17.30 | A.Losev | (ITEP, Moscow) | Strings in the "infinite-metric" backgrounds |
18.00 | I.Tipunin | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Verlinde formula in logarithmic conformal field theories and a modular group action in centers of quantum groups |
11.30 | P.Fulde | (Max Planck Inst. for the Phys. of Complex Systems, Dresden) | Fractional charges in frustrated lattices |
12.00 | M.Feigelman | (Landau Inst., Moscow) | Theory of superconductive pairing near the mobility edge |
12.30 | A.Tsvelik | (Brookhaven National Lab.) | Between one and higher dimensions: doped spin ladders |
13.00 | L.Glazman | (Univ. of Minnesota) | Coulomb drag between quantum wires: beyond Tomonaga-Luttinger model |
13.30 - 15.00 Lunch |
15.00 | S.Kuznetsov | (Inst. of RadioEngineering and Elecronics, Saratov) | Renormalization group approach in nonlinear dynamics - a tool for analysis of transitions to chaos |
15.30 | F.Ataullakhanov | (Moscow State Univ.) | New self-organization patterns in models of active media: a model of blood clotting as an example |
16.00 | A.Panfilov | (Utrecht Univ.) | Modelling in electrophysiology using anatomically accurate models of the heart |
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session Dissipative structures in nonlinear dynamics Chairperson: S.Kuznetsov |
17.00 | A.Polezhaev | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Spatio-temporal patterns, driven by the flow instability |
17.30 | E.Volkov | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Frequency-selective weak signal acceptance by homogeneous array of coupled relaxation oscillators |
18.00 | D.Sokoloff | (Moscow Univ.) | Intermittency in dynamo and Jacobi equations |
Session QUANTUM GRAVITY AND COSMOLOGY Chairperson: W.Unruh |
11.30 | V.Rubakov | (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) | Lorentz-violation and generation of perturbations at inflation |
12.00 | S.Dubovsky | (CERN, Geneva & Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) | Lorentz-violating massive gravity |
12.30 | C.Deffayet | (Inst. of Astrophysics, Paris) | Cosmology and cosmological vDVZ (dis)continuity of brane-induced gravity |
13.00 | S.Sibiryakov | (ITEP, Moscow) | Ultra-large distance modification of gravity from Lorentz symmetry breaking at the Plank scale |
13.30-15.00 Lunch |
Session Quantum Gravity and Cosmology Chairperson: I.Khriplovich |
15.00 | D.Langlois | (Inst. of Astrophysics, Paris) | Gravitation and cosmology in brane-worlds |
15.30 | A.Filippov | (JINR, Dubna) | Dimensional reduction of supergravities producing black holes and cosmologies |
16.00 | B.Altshuler | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Calculation of large mass hierarchy from number of extra dimensions |
17.00-17.30 Coffee-Break |
Session Quantum Gravity and Cosmology Chairperson: S.Solodukhin |
17.30 | A.Nikishov | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Problems in field theoretical approach to gravitation |
18.00 | B.Meierovich | (Kapitza Inst., Moscow) | Gravitating global topological defects in extra dimensions |
18.30 | | | TBA |
Session HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS Chairperson: D.Shirkov |
11.30 | L.Okun | (ITEP, Moscow) | Formula E = mc2 in the World Year of Physics |
12.00 | A.Studenikin | (Moscow State Univ.) | Neutrino quantum states and spin light in matter |
12.30 | V.Novikov | (ITEP, Moscow) | K\bar K binary system in quantum mechanics and in quantum field theory: CPT |
13.00 | G.Ovanesyan | (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) | Hunting for the alpha: B -->rr,
B -->pp,
B -->rp |
13.30-15.00 Lunch |
Session High-Energy Physics Chairperson: A.Likhoded |
15.00 | A.Sissakian | (JINR, Dubna) | Reduced phase space of quantum system: example of Coulomb potential |
15.30 | M.Polikarpov | (ITEP, Moscow) | Confining fields in lattice QCD |
16.00 | V.Zakharov | (Max Planck Inst. for Physics, Muenchen) | Anderson localization in pure Yang-Mills theories |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session High-Energy Physics Chairperson: A.Kaidalov |
17.00 | I.Royzen | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Phase states of sub-hadronic matter and microscopic pattern of its hadronization |
17.30 | I.Lokhtin | (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Phys., Moscow) | Jet physics in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions |
18.00 | V.Kokoulina | (JINR, Dubna) | Multiparticle dynamics study by Gluon Dominance Model |